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Malta’s MARTYRIUM Inks Deal With Art Gates Records
The Art Gates Records team has announced atmospheric extreme metal outfit MartYriuM as the new artist to join its international roster of talents.
This five-pieced combo was formed by Count Mortem in 1999 in Malta. The style diversity of the band contains Industrial elements combined with black and death metal influences. Each song has a unique dramatic passage to set up a dark mood, along with brutal growls, clean vocal decorations shredding riffs and occult lyrical concepts.
MartYriuM appear on stage as a female fronted band, behind pale corpse paint portraying an image of modern black metal subculture. What captivates the people during a MartYriuM gig is the hellish chaos spawned from stage, invoked by the coming together of a restless energy united by each member.
In words of the band: "We are proud and excited to join the dynamic range of metal that makes up the Art Gate Records horde and unleash the infernal melodies and agonizing screams, the heart and soul of our forth full length studio opus."
Rotting Christ, Purgatory, Eluveite, Cadaveria among many others are some of the artists this infernal outfit toured with, acquiring a noteworthy experience in their live shows. With a large discography behind them: Withering In Voluptuous Embrace (2000), Carnage Lit By Darkness (2005), 'Awakening The Ancient (2010), MarTyriuM is ready to release their fourth and new album through Art Gates Records worldwide in 2016.

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