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Helion Prime Parts With Vocalist Heather Michele

Helion Prime Parts With Vocalist Heather Michele

Helion Prime has an important announcement to make as the band parts ways with vocalist Heather Michele. This message was posted online via the group's Facebook page:

"The rumors that have been circulating for awhile are true. Heather has decided to part ways with the band and continue on a different path. We wish Heather the best in everything she does but the story of Helion Prime does not end here. Stayed tuned for more announcements to follow and a lot of great things to look forward to in 2017!

"We know this may come as a shock and disappointment to some but we respect her decision and wish her the best. Helion Prime will continue on and keep the momentum we have going strong. We are very excited with what we've accomplished so far and look forward to seeing what the future brings."

Heather comments on the situation: "Thank you, so much, to all of you who have been so supportive of Helion Prime the last couple years. The band was able to accomplish so much due to your generosity and enthusiasm. It was a true privilege being part of such a wonderful project, and I wish nothing but the best for this talented group of musicians. I have no doubt they will continue to ride the astral waves of awesomeness. Keep your eyes and your ears open, for great things are still to come from Helion Prime. Thank you all again, live long and prosper."

Helion Prime Parts With Vocalist Heather Michele
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